Compression Syndromes


Nerve Pain

Compression syndromes of peripheral nerves occur when a nerve is compressed or trapped as it passes through narrow spaces in the body, resulting in symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the affected limb. These syndromes can affect any peripheral nerve, but the most commonly affected nerves are the median nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome), ulnar nerve (cubital tunnel syndrome), and the sciatic nerve (piriformis syndrome).

The prevalence of compression syndromes varies depending on the nerve involved and the underlying cause, but they are relatively common and can affect individuals of all ages.

Conservative management of compression syndromes involves addressing the underlying cause of the condition. Nerve glides, myofascial release, and other manual therapies can be used to reduce inflammation and pressure on the affected nerve. Exercise can help to strengthen the surrounding muscles and improve nerve mobility.

In cases of carpal tunnel syndrome or cubital tunnel syndrome, splinting or bracing may be recommended to reduce pressure on the nerve. This may be done early on or at night to ensure that further irritation is not created.

Here at Apollo, we are experts at developing long-term strategies specifically customized to manage symptoms and prevent recurrence. Targeting any other involved joints is also important to improve outcomes, as joint restriction can contribute to nerve compression.

We also maintain connections with the best doctors in Westchester, who have the same values as we do when it comes to patient care. If we feel like you may benefit from additional opinions or treatments, we will not hesitate to refer you out!

Treatments We Utilize on This Condition: