

Sport Specific Conditions

Football is a high-impact sport that involves significant physical contact and a wide range of movements. Football players are vulnerable to various injuries, including concussions, ACL tears, ankle sprains, hamstring strains, shoulder injuries, and back injuries.

It is critical for football players to seek treatment from a rehab specialist who understands the physical demands and mechanics of the sport. Addressing these injuries promptly and effectively is crucial for a successful recovery and for returning to play as soon as possible. At Apollo Performance Chiropractic, we have the knowledge, expertise, and passion to help football players overcome their injuries and optimize their performance on the field.

As a former all-section football player himself, Dr. Poniros understands and has experienced firsthand the toughness and rigor it takes to succeed in the sport. We are certified Strength & Conditioning specialists and have a full weight room and turf space to utilize, making us the best option for a full and complete recovery from any and all football-related injuries.

At APC, we utilize a comprehensive approach to care, which includes joint manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and strength/mobility training to help football players recover from injuries and prevent future injuries, as well as some high tech equipment such as force plates, shockwave therapy, and blood flow restriction training. Each session is a full hour, and completely 1-on-1 with your doctor. Choose a provider that treats athletes all day every day, and can give you exactly what you need!

Treatments We Utilize on This Condition: